THERMODEG application in the UN SDG Action Awards 2023
Let's live in a Clean, Healthy World, with Inexhaustible Green Energy! No More Mountains of Waste, Climate Change & Energy Crises The Goal of our Initiative is to Save Our World from Unmanageable Mountains of Waste, Seemingly Irreversible Climate Change, and from the Energy Crisis which is Affecting to Everyone. Our mission started more than 5 years ago and its Stake is None Other than the Future of the Life of Our Planet! The contract for the construction of the first communal ThermoDeg reactor in Hungary has been signed, which will be created in cooperation with the Henkel Group. We try to make an inspiring appearance on every possible forum and gather followers for the sake of a common goal. We achieved that our unique technology is recognized and applied by a globally known group of companies (HENKEL), whose goal is environmentally friendly waste management and continuous supply of green energy. The first joint reactor under construction will be a certainty for everyone t...